Your Appointment at Victorian Orthopaedic Spine Service
Our Care Pathway
Our care pathway is carefully designed to ensure that you only progress to surgery if you really need it.
The exact pathway varies from patient to patient depending on your condition.
You might skip straight to surgery if that’s clearly the best option for you. Or you might try alternatives to surgery first and experience significant improvement in your symptoms
Booking your appointment
You will need to obtain a referral from your GP or specialist to book an appointment.
Once we received your referral you will be contacted by a member of our team to schedule an appointment.
Your treatment plan
Dr David Edis will thoroughly assess your history, symptoms and the findings of any previous scans or tests.
You may be asked to go for further tests.
Dr Edis will outline a treatment plan.
If surgery is recommended, we’ll provide full information about the benefits, risks, timing and cost so you can make an informed decision about your next steps.
Consultation fees
Appointment fees will be advised at the time of booking your consultation. Please note that we are a private billing clinic, and we request that all consultation fees are paid on the day of your appointment.
We welcome Workcover and TAC patients in our clinic, however please note that patients will be required to settle their accounts at the time of their consultation and seek reimbursement from Workcover / TAC.